Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Emptiness is your One Stop Shop

I wonder if any of you out there had felt the way I am feeling right now. I feel like I have everything and yet I am longing for something I don't know what. One thing I know, I am feeling down right now.

I am an expressive person, and I write what I feel and think.

Lately, I cannot find the emotion to inspire me to write. But I am trying to find the love I have in putting into words my thoughts to describe all that I feel in writing.

Right now, I’m finding it hard just to write about what I feel, what I think and what I want… I am at a loss for words that could best describe the state I am in.

This momentary hiatus is maybe a result of so many concerns back home that I need to take care of from 13,000 miles away and the many questions I have that I could not find any answer. And in my doubts, comes the resolve to keep everything to myself. I lost the need to express myself, my ideas are so vague and my view so obscured.

I am patient but my strength causes me to weaken as I experience the anxiety of waiting..

I am optimistic but the future looks far as time is running away, slowly slipping away from me…

But I have faith which keeps me on top of everything…

The faith that overcomes what the physical realm presents before me and whatever that lies beyond…

for my faith let me see in the darkness, allows me to listen in the stillness and permits me to love in uncertainty

Faith that allows me to continue to have hope, to believe, to wait, to dream and desire that which keeps my heart beating…

And so here I am, trying to rise above frustrations, fear, and emptiness… striving to climb above the mist of loneliness, struggling to ascend the haze of doubts… standing with my faith to back me up against all that pushes me down…

The faith that I have right now is more than enough for me to continue with this battle…

I will have a song in the night and I will not feel alone anymore…

I know that this is just for a moment, this will come to pass…

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