Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Sanctuary

It is almost midnight and I am still wide awake. I am sitting here outside our house--in our deck, sipping a glass of Chianti. As I look up in the sky I can see the full moon is partly hidden, but its rays that pierce through dark, heavy cumulus clouds illuminate some parts of this world. April is almost ending but the temperature today is 68'F and tonight it's only 48'F. The chilly evening soothed my tired feeling from working in our yard almost all morning and then work later in the day....My daughters, Michelle and Rhea went to bed early so I am all alone with my thoughts and feelings at this very moment. It's been quite awhile since I had this luxury of just sitting and enjoying the night all by myself, just me and my glass of wine.. no decision to make not even future plan to think or worry about. Since I started working, my schedule has been quite tight and my time has been crazy. Between home, work, friends and family, hobbies and interests, I practically have no time like this, to just sit down and relax. But I do not complain. I am so blessed to have the job that really works with my schedule and just happy to work for the company that I am proud to be with. My family, my passions and everything I do are the sources of my self fulfillment. They made me feel I accomplished something every day. The challenges I encounter make me more alive and motivate me to go beyond and discover more about myself every time. They reinforce my feeling that I am still at the prime of my life and there are still endless possibilities that I can do to make life more exciting and worth living to the fullest. And even at this stage, I feel that there are still countless things that are worth trying. Life does not pause or becomes slow for me just because I am in my mid forties.

And for now, I have this time. At this moment, I feel peace and quiet. The silence of the night is made melodious by the soft sounds of night insects and rustling leaves. The music they create pacifies my tired body. The loudest noise I hear is the chirping of the crickets and once in a while, croaking of the frogs in our pond. Although Northern Virginia is a suburb of traffic nightmareWashington, DC most home neighborhoods here are nestled in the woods away from the traffic and busy streets. It is refreshing, it is always peaceful where we are. Here I can always find some moment of silence, talk to God, spend time in calm and harmony, away from the hustle and bustle of the urban jungle. It rejuvenates my spirit. It is so divine spending this quality of time alone. Truly, a sanctuary for my soul...Thank you Lord! I am blessed..

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