Monday, June 21, 2010

The Magic of Luray Caverns

The majestic Blue Ridge Mountain stands as a backdrop of the picturesque landscape while the early morning sun is casting its rays in the mountain ranges, valleys and horse farms along the state highway VA-55. This was the scenery that Michelle and I were enjoying as we drove to our destination that early Friday morning--the Luray Caverns.  Everything is like a classic show, slowly unfolding till you reach the climax. Luray caverns is one of the most amazing natural wonders I have ever seen in my life..and it is just in our backyard. It is about an hour and 15 minutes drive from our house...

I didn't take note of everything I heard from the portable tour guide that was given to us during the whole tour of the cave but what I've seen is forever etched in my mind. There are no words that can describe the beauty and wonder of nature at work but and I can share few things that really amazed me. 

There is a spring of water called Dream Lake that has an almost mirror like appearance. Stalactites are reflected in the water making them appear to be stalagmites. This illusion is so convincing that most people in our group were unable to see the real bottom. It looks quite deep, as the stalactites are higher above the water, but as what I've learned at its deepest point the water is only around 20 inches deep. The lake is connected to a spring that continues deeper into the caverns.

Another is the Wishing Well, a green pond with coins. Like Dream Lake, the well also gives an illusion, however it is reversed. The pond looks 3–4 feet deep but at its deepest point it is actually 6–7 feet deep.

For me, the climax of our Luray Cavern tour was listening to haunting sounds of the world's only Stalacpipe Organ. It is played from a regular-size organ, but its organ pipes are the stalactites themselves, spreading over 3.5 underground acres, and wired with little rubber mallets that tap stalactites of various sizes to produce tones similar to those of xylophones, tuning forks, or bells. The sound I heard was so magical, I was overwhelmed.

rock formation that looks like fried egg over easy

Stalactites cling to the ceiling and reflect in a pool of crystal clear water

these are what they call draperies

this is called Saracen's tent, one of the most well formed draperies

the wishing well's color is the result of chemical reaction between the coins, water, the stalactites and stalagmites

the world's only Stalacpipe Organ

                                              this column was formed after several hundred million years

I could not even start to tell you how beautiful that experience was and not even my camera was able to capture all the grand work of nature. My soul can only sing praises and thanksgiving to the One who made all these marvellous things...

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