Monday, July 19, 2010

And Days Passed By

Old stuffs are always a source of wide and almost never ending (we wish the enjoyable) memory lane. When I was at the hospital a couple of days ago, I was not allowed to read books because it made me sick. The hours seemed to pass so slowly like forever so I asked my daughter to bring me something to keep me occupied and not get bored. Of all things, she thought of bringing an album that I told them is one of my few treasured things. True enough, the time went by a little bit faster as I looked at old photos and thought of how things have changed--with me, my family, people and our world.  And gazing at them in that hospital bed made me feel like it's only a dream...warm people, some full of love and life, who in their own unique and special way took me where I am today and caused to change my life forever.

the spot (Lun Padidu River) where I spent many memorable times with my horse Mula during summer
when I was young

my nephew and my niece who passed away one year after the other (they were first cousins)

Jim- our dear friend who passed away the year I left the Phil. We were friends since high school

We were...once upon a time

we were, we still are and forever will be...friends

my girls at age 4 and 6

our neighbors' kids bathing at Lun Padidu River, Alabel

cousins, and one of them is named Amie

Delia, I wrote a post about her last year

my high school graduation photo (yuckkks for this batch graduation dress!)

 college graduation photo

with Paco Arrespacochaga and Ernie Severino (sideA Band)

our very precious baby Arielle

my father with our sister (sister Stella Maris) our brother Aquiles, my nephew Nezzar and grand daughter Arielle

pose with my fellow OLPGV Lectors just before I left for the US

Just looking at these images really started to tug at my heart strings. And yes, these photos, they came spilling out and with them, some poignant memories too, that were almost too hard to remember....