Thursday, October 20, 2011

Changes And More Changes

The fall season is at its peak and the world where I am now is surrounded by vibrant autumn colors-- red, yellow and gold.  The weather has been gorgeous for a couple of days, sunny but very comfortable although sometimes it gets really chilly especially in the morning. But less than two months from now winter will be here and the trees will turn into gray, colorless and lifeless.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not being pessimistic. To me the confetti of the fall might be over and the coming winter might be cold and gloomy but not the beautiful and warm colors of life. I am just in my deep reflective mood and can't help but ponder about my life. I am happy that finally I found the balance that I have been looking for and excited about the changes that I am going through now. But I also think that time can get by me if I'm not careful and find ways to ensure that I am not only enjoying as much of it as I can, but is living the life I want to live.  Everyday I am conscious of the fact that time is precious, it is slipping away and won't wait for me.

And looking out the window watching the falling leaves dance with the wind before touching the ground, I seem to hear them whisper their message that somehow validates these thoughts.

When I first came here in the East Coast there was this little maple tree in front of the deck of our house. This tree was but a small sapling, so weak and hapless that it was almost blown about by the winter winds. Over the changing seasons it has grown taller, thicker. Its branches now reach up to the heavens; its roots have taken a firm grip in the earth. Though its leaves have fallen away throughout each of the seasons, its core has developed to a fuller and more mature stature, and now is the most beautiful tree in the yard. Every time I pass by that house and look at that deck, I can't help but look at the tree and with it, some thoughts make me smile. I feel the warmth in my heart.

Life from my point of view is constantly evolving and continually changing. I am enjoying every bit of it and I am grateful and blessed for all that I am NOW.

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