Monday, March 7, 2011

Tips That Worked

I got an email from my bestfriend that her US Visa application has been approved and she'll be coming here in April. It is really a very exciting news for us because she has applied two times in the past and she was denied twice also. She said my tips really works!

To start with, getting a Visa to get to the US is very hard. Some have applied for the nth time and they are still waiting, not even knowing if that chance would ever come. Luckily for me and my two girls, it was a combination of answered prayer and being prepared to come here. I had my multiple entry visa before we came here for good three years ago.

Through experience here are some of the tips I can share with those who are planning to apply for a US Visa:

1. Be ready...mentally and financially. Especially if you are applying for a tourist visa. One important thing you need to know is that, the consul has to make sure you are going to come back and not stay as illegal aliens and be a burden when you get to the US. It's not enough that you can afford or support yourself when you are in the US. You also have to prove that you have all the intentions of coming back home--Family ties, financial, business or professional ties are good examples of those reasons.

2. Honesty is the best policy...Make sure that all the information you gave in your application are true and they are properly supported by documents. Every information you provided will be scrutinized and it will be to your advantage if you are honest right from the start...Providing false information will cause you to be banned from entering the US for life. I knew somebody who already got to the US, married her fiance, but through the process the USCIS found they falsify one document and she was sent back home and banned for life. When her husband was diagnosed of cancer and had to go back to the US for treatment and died after few months, she was not even allowed to come as tourist. Very tragic.

3. BE an early bird...go to the embassy as early as you can. If your schedule for interview is at 8:00AM, make sure to be at the embassy at least 2 hours before your interview. This way you will have time to relax and prepare yourself so that you will not be nervous when you come face to face with the consul. Sometimes when we are nervous, even simple questions seem so hard to answer.

4. During the interview, just relax and make an eye contact with the consul interviewing you. Be polite and answer the questions as straightforward as you can, knowing that you have nothing to be scared of or nervous when you have provided accurate information about yourself and you are telling the truth.

These are the most important points that I can share with you. It worked for me and my daughters and with my friend too. You can make yourself more prepared by doing research. Nothing is more helpful to you than making yourself ready for what you are going into. The rest will just be a process that you will have to go through.

God bless you in your application and hope this will help you in someway...

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