Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chasing My Passion Again

Hello! It's been quite a while since my last post and here I am, back after a long break. It is not because I lost my interest in writing. On the contrary, I do miss it. I miss putting my thoughts together and translate them into words. The fact is, this year has been a very busy one for me. Here's what I had been up to:

. Getting back to playing golf again. Three years ago, I decided to give up playing golf in exchanged
  for something I thought was more important in life than my passion for this game. I sold my clubs and
  tried to forget golf for two years! If you've known me or had played with me in the
  past, you'd think I was out of my mind. But yes, I had that moment. The year 2013 has been an
  awesome year for me as far as golf and I are concerned. I even got the chance to play for the
  Wounded Warrior Project golf tournament. Although my team didn't win in the tournament, it's good
  to know that we played for a good cause. I am happy to be back playing the game I so love. I will
  never ever give it up again for anything.

. Europe Trip. Yes, last September I went on a two weeks vacation to Italy, Austria and Germany. I    had the best times of my life. I'm currently in the process of finalizing my draft and
  have been working on the pictures I took from this trip so I can post it here soon.

Marriott hotel lobby- Rome, Italy

fellow tourists and eventually became friends

gondola ride in Venice

Hallstatt, Austria

Salzburg, Austria

Munich, Germany

King Ludwig's palace-Munich, Germany

. Work, Work and more Work! Don't get me wrong. I love my job. It's one of the reasons I wake up
  feeling refreshed every morning. Every day is different from the other. The interactions I have with
  fellow employees and the experiences of talking to different people from all sorts of backgrounds 
  is always such an awesome experience. 

Life may seem like a boat ride on an enraged sea amidst raging waves at times but still, interlaced with snippets of calmness brought by the sight of a sandy shore. My passion for life, the resilience of my spirit and the love of my family and friends will make this journey truly exciting.

I will end this post with this quote from one of my all time favorite movies. "The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there's nothing to make it last." --from the movie "Dear John"

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